
10 signs that life is going well for you, even when you think you're not

Beautiful life

Are you dissatisfied with your life? Sometimes life is not simple and we feel that everything is going wrong, that everything has conspired against us, that injustice is happening to us. We can quickly become discouraged. Statistically speaking, Slovenians are generally satisfied with their lives. On a scale from 1 to 10, we rated it 7.1 in the last survey, while 87 percent of respondents expressed satisfaction with life. And the next time you're complaining about how bad things are, remember the following 10 facts to remind you that you're actually doing pretty well in life, even when you think you're not.

How satisfied are you with your life? Do you envy others because you feel that they are doing much better in life than you, even though you are doing much better? What can they say yet children in Africa, South America or India? What about the people in Iraq and Afghanistan, where violence and death are part of life?

READ MORE: Photos that will restore faith in humanity

Life is Beautiful!
Life is Beautiful!

When let's look at the matter more broadly, we suddenly have quite a lot less reason to complain about our problems, which are quite minor compared to the problems of millions of other people around the world. Because something that is for us self-evident, for someone it is far from there, and we are all too rarely aware of this. You have it at home toilet? It might make you feel better if we tell you it's for 2.5 billion people the reality is as follows. To use the toilet, they have to wait until night falls, walk 100 meters to it, avoid snakes on the way and hope they don't get raped in the meantime. They are greeted by a dirty toilet that often lacks paper and water. For a quarter of the world, clean toilets are a complete luxury. You have access to drinking water? Then you are better off than almost 800 million people (748 million people do not have access to clean water). All of a sudden you're not doing so badly in life anymore, are you?!

10 signs that you're doing well in life, even when you think you're not:

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