
12 things men and women do differently

They say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus – in complete opposition. Women are mysterious and complex creatures, while men are a simple and thinking species. Everyone seems to experience things differently. Of course, there is some truth in this, and it is always fun when these differences are emphasized, at least for the sake of innocent fun. We have also chosen twelve funny (and exaggerated) differences between the male and female genders.

1. When we are in society and women are socializing with each other, they will call each other by their first names. But when it comes to an exclusively male company, boys will use nicknames such as: "old", "beautiful", "prjatu", "pussy"...

2. When receiving the bill, the guys never overcharge. Everyone throws a few more euros on the table, while the girls calculate their share to the minute.

3. Men will pay 10 euros for a thing they need, even though it is actually worth 5 euros. Girls will pay 5 euros for a thing worth 10 euros. Why? Because it's on sale.

Differences in shopping.
Differences in shopping.

4. Men have everything they need in the bathroom: toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, shampoo, soap and towel. Meanwhile, the average number of items in the bathroom owned by the average woman is said to be 337. Men cannot identify even twenty of these items.

Men have what they need in the bathroom. What about women?
Men have what they need in the bathroom. What about women?

5. Women have the last word in all arguments. Whatever men try to add after the quarrel is over is the beginning of a new one. After an argument with a man, men will be friends again in 5 minutes, women will hold grudges against each other for life.

6. Women worry about the future until they get married, and men don't worry about the future until they get married.

READ MORE: 15 Things Power Couples Never Do

7. A successful man is one who makes more money than his partner can spend. A successful woman is the one who finds such a man.

8. Women marry with the empty hope that they will change the man, and men marry with the empty expectation that the wife will never change.

9. Women will get ready to shop, water the flowers, take out the trash, chat on the phone, read a book, and read email. The men will get ready for the wedding and for the funeral.

Women have the last word in arguments.
Women have the last word in arguments.

10. Men wake up just as beautiful as they went to sleep. A woman's beauty sometimes fades during the night.

11. A woman knows everything about her children: when they need to see a doctor, whether they are in love, who their best friends are and what their favorite food is, what they are afraid of, what they dream about and what they believe in. The only thing men are aware of is that they live with them.

12. When looking for a partner, women will hope for a handsome, caring, romantic, passionate, someone who will never cheat, who will give them compliments and someone who will never criticize their friends. Men only hope for one thing: big breasts.

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