
16 steps to help you get over rejection

Whether it's a business or personal "slap", each of us has already experienced rejection. Maybe that's how we lost a great business opportunity or got rejected by the person we were in love with. If you've recently been rejected - we know how you feel. We've written some tips to boost your confidence and get you back on your feet.

1. Write an angry letter to the person or institution that rejected you.

Make it as juicy as possible. Then very carefully throw the letter into the fire.

2. For better perspective, read some of the rejection letters celebrities have received.

You can find the letters here.

3. For comfort, watch a movie of a very attractive and interesting person who was rejected.

Here are two ideas: Joe Gordon-Levitt in 500 Days of Summer or Colin Firth in the first two parts of the BBC series Pride and Prejudice.

4. Are you still angry? Call your best friend.

This one will definitely put you in a better mood.

5. So, the anger hasn't subsided yet? Find something funny in the whole situation and laugh.

Good comedians are those who turn pain into joy. Watch some stand-up, e.g. Eddie Izzard.

6. Are you feeling any better? Great, now organize a party. Just for yourself.

Make a playlist and dance.

7. Invite each other to a good lunch.

Dress up and pay by credit card. Think about the damage tomorrow. If you prefer to cook yourself, cook something special. Something that only you like. And all you can eat in a spectacular setting.

8. Go shopping.

Go to expensive stores, try on a few dresses and end up disappointing the (over)attentive salespeople.

Go shopping.
Go shopping.

READ MORE: 15 facts that are important for your success

9. Go to the cinema.

Watch a movie no one else wants to watch with you. Sneak in your favorite candy.

10. Feeling great yet? Alright, now it's time to practice that award speech you've always wanted to win.

Victor, Oscar, Nobel Prize, Grammy? Work hard on it. You want to dazzle the crowd in the mirror.

11. Are you already in the "epic" phase? Great, now it's time to make a list of long-term goals.

Everything you hope to achieve in the future. And work hard at it.

12. Think of some short-term goals.

If one of your long-term goals is to write a novel, the short-term may be to write a line. If you want to fall in love long-term, you can have fun on a date in the short-term.

13. Now ask yourself: would this person or institution that rejected you really help you achieve your goals?

Were these people vital? Be honest.

14. Are you scared? Do you feel small?

Sing something happy in the shower or in the car.

Sing in the shower.
Sing in the shower.

15. Now it's time to reassemble.

If you have experienced a business slap in the face, look at all the other companies that offer the same business experience. If you've been rejected by Cupid, go out and keep your eyes on other potential partners.

16. Loud, clear and enthusiastic: "Let's go from the beginning, this time more successfully!"

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