
3 easy recipes for a "to-go" lunch

Rice salad

After the New Year, we quickly forget about the New Year's resolution that we will really only eat healthy in the New Year. Most of the time, a busy working day, a lack of time and an enticing machine with unhealthy snacks are to blame.

Since "healthy" does not only mean fruit and sliced vegetables, we have prepared three delicious lunches that we prepare in the evening and take with us the next day. They will certainly liven up our daily routine and, with just a little preparation, turn our boring brunch into a real gourmet adventure.

1. Rice salad with tuna

Cook the rice and let it cool. We chop our favorite vegetables, for example cherries, olives, peppers and carrots, add beans, corn and chickpeas and shake them in a bowl. Add rice, tuna and spices as desired. Salt, pepper, basil and parsley are excellent choices. Season with some olive oil and a little lemon, and the salad is ready to fill takeaway containers.

Rice salad
Rice salad

2. Hummus spread

Hummus goes perfectly with sliced vegetables, chapatis and wholemeal bread. Open the can of chickpeas and drain them well. Chop the garlic and parsley. Squeeze half a lemon. Put all the ingredients in a blender, add a teaspoon of tahini, some water and oil and mix well. Season to taste with pepper and salt and a delicious and healthy spread is ready.

Hummus spread
Hummus spread

3. Oatmeal with banana

Boil the oatmeal in rice milk and add a spoonful of honey and coconut flour when it has cooled down. Leave it in the refrigerator overnight and in the morning, chop the banana into the mixture. Porridge prepared in this way is an excellent breakfast, and for all those with a sweet tooth, it is also a healthy lunch to take away.


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