
30 everyday objects that are watching you

Rockwell's Somebody's Watching Me will definitely be playing in your mind as you look through the following gallery. But here it is not about cameras, about big brothers, but about ordinary objects with eyes that stare at you or. they laugh at you with a Joker smile. Fun and creepy at the same time. Walls may have ears, but...

We recently wrote about pareidolia, the tendency to put a "face" on undefined formations or recognizing shapes that aren't actually there. This time everything is black and white, faces but they appear on everyday, inanimate objects.

READ MORE: Imaginative cloud photos using optical illusion

For those who are paranoid and they have the feeling that they are being watched all the time, this will be one more confirmation that big brother is everywhere and that nothing remains hidden from prying eyes. Calm down, imagine that you are trapped in Disney cartoon. For the less panicked, we suggest that you spice up the tour with the above-mentioned song, and when you're done, look around to see if you're really alone in the room or under a watchful eye some object. If you're watching this at work, it's still better than if it's from your boss.

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