
35 tourists who forgot how to behave around statues

Funny but irreverent posing with statues

As tourists, people like to take pictures next to landmarks, which include statues. It's okay to try to take photos that are different, creative, so that we don't return home with the same shots that we find online, but these tourists have more than clearly forgotten how to behave around the statues! Although the statues were not desecrated, they were badly abused. We don't know whether to laugh or roll our eyes.

Everyone a true tourist he knows that a statue often asks for more than just a smile and a polite pose. Many the statues just look quite similar to real people and/or animals, therefore they also deserve to be treated as such. But here there are 35 tourists who are around the statues forgot how to behave, and used their helplessness for their perverse ideas. Funny and at the same time "sick".

READ MORE: Fascinating sculptures from marine debris

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