Let's make one of the most common New Year's resolutions come true and in 2015 actually take care of our excellent physical fitness. For additional sports motivation, let's take a look at 5 inspiring TEDx speeches that will get us moving.
Let's forget the excuses and finally take care of general physical fitness. Sport should become a happy routine in 2015, because with regular exercise we strengthen the immune system, stay flexible, vital and healthy, and make sure in advance that we will be like this even in old age. Let's take a look 5 TEDx talks, which will provide sports motivation this year.
1. Sandra Aamodt – Why dieting doesn't usually work
2. Emily Balcetis – Why some people find exercise harder than others
3. Christopher McDougall – Are we born to run?
4. Mick Cornett – How an obese town lost a million pounds
5. Dean Ornish – Your genes are not your fate
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