
6 surprising facts about the travels of the British royal family

Most people prepare for their trip by packing and stocking up on good books. If that seems complicated enough to you at times, then you don't want to be in the shoes of the British royal family, who prepare for a trip for up to six months. A royal tour is often a logistical nightmare, and the biggest challenge is undoubtedly punctuality, security and making sure everything runs smoothly. So what does it take for this glamorous trip to be considered a success? Here are six surprising facts about the travels of the British royal family.

6 Surprising Facts About British Royal Family Travel:

1. Safety comes first.

Telegraph reporter Gordon Rayner, who has attended 20 royal tours, says each member of the royal family has their own security protocol. A doctor and security guards always travel with them, but not every crew is necessarily that big. William and Kate usually have a smaller number of staff with them (they took only 7 to Los Angeles, 11 to Australia and 12 to Canada).

2. This is not a vacation.

Most of us think of traveling as a holiday or vacation, but for members of the royal family it's more of a 'work' obligation. Although traveling to interesting countries and meeting various presidents seems like a dream life, those who are closer to them do not envy it. Rayner says the visits to the sights and historic sites last 40 minutes and it is very possible that the royal family will never return to this place.

3. Hidden stash of alcohol

Rayner revealed that Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles occasionally take their alcohol with them and 'spice' their drinks. Their security guards are thus secretly transporting liquor - gin and tonic for him and red wine for her.

READ MORE: Bizarre rules that the British royal family must follow

A hidden stash of alcohol also travels with the royal family.
A hidden stash of alcohol also travels with the royal family.

4. The whole palace travels with them.

Although the staff who travel with the royal family are not always the same, there are always 'familiar faces' on each royal tour. Kate takes with her personal hairdresser Amanda Cook Tucker, personal secretary Rebecca Deacon and royal nanny Maria Teresa Turrion Borralla. Heads of public affairs and personal secretaries also go on tour.

5. Members of the British royal family have special monogrammed luggage.

Royal members have luggage in a specific color and, of course, with monograms. Prince William has the letter W and a crown on his luggage. Also, each member of the royal family has their own color code for their luggage so you know who it belongs to.

6. They also do not escape the control of arriving passengers at airports.

Although members of the royal family do not have to stand in a long line, they still have to go through border control where their passports are checked. Only one member of the royal family does not need a passport, and that is Queen Elizabeth. Although she receives special treatment, her identity is checked at airports.

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