
Is Facebook losing its cool?

Skeptics of Facebook's business model have long warned that the social network is losing its charm among teenagers and want to prove to Facebook that it will no longer be able to justify its estimated value of 102 billion euros.

He is actually himself Facebook admitted last fall that he was losing younger users, which was confirmed by the financial director himself David Ebersman. Until now, it has been difficult to assess the decline in interest in Facebook, but recently it is a digital consulting company iStrategy Labs published a study that drew on data from Facebook's social advertising platform. The data is quite astounding. Facebook is said to be from 2011 lost more than 4 million students and almost 7 million students.

Advertisers with their products, they long for a younger audience, which is more receptive to advertising campaigns. So such a decline in visitors also means a lower rate of charging for advertising space for Facebook. On the other hand, advertising does not only revolve around younger users, because it has Facebook so much data from personal profiles that it can more effectively target specific ads to specific users who will be responsive to content. So Facebook can still retain advertisers with this theory for now, but we can't ignore the fact that year after year fewer new users among teenagers, who most actively use social networks.

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