
Analog Memory Desk – a wooden desk with a kilometer of paper

Analog Memory Desk.

The wooden memory table Analog Memory Desk is ideal for all those who are bursting with ideas and thoughts, but it seems that they always lack something at hand to pour them into. You will say, but we all already have smartphones in our pockets. Maybe. But they cannot withstand the romance of writing on paper. And this table has plenty to offer. He has it rolled up for a whole kilometer on the reel, and part of it is stretched over the work surface all the way.

Wooden memorial table, which resembles a spinning mill, Analog Memory Desk, is work Kirsten Camara from Minneapolis (USA) and is designed to record everything, whatever sticks to you and which would probably end up in some black hole of your memory. A smartphone, you say? But where will you scribble when you're on the phone? You see. And once you've covered or scratched the entire surface, just swirl it around a few times reel on one side or the other of the table and there is a new one in front of you blank paper, which is just waiting to capture your ideas, sketches and mental fragments that would otherwise end up somewhere deep below the threshold of memory.

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In addition, in writing on paper, this one is almost forgotten "crafts", something magical, something no app can do.

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