
Anne Siems - poetic illustrations and images of a dreamy mood

The illustrations and paintings by artist Anna Siems seem out of this world. Their poetic nature takes us into a dreamy mood, in which the world around us seems magical, even if we no longer believe in fairy tales for a long time.

Anne Siems was born in 1965 in Germany, and today lives and creates in America, where she also spent most of her youth. She began her creative journey by painting quite abstract plants, but today the main motifs of her works are mainly girls and animals painted on wood.

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Her world of pictures and illustrations is fairytale, poetic and dreamy. Her art transports us to magical forests where realistically painted bunnies, wolves, foxes, cats, owls and deer live. Her girls are not young women of the 21st century, but gentle creatures that take us back to the time around 1850. The artist herself believes in the healing power of nature and that some things cannot be expressed in words. That is why he expresses such things with pictures, the beauty of which is really hard to summarize in a few words. Looking at her pictures, we only know that they are really beautiful and that we feel comfortable with them.

See Anna Siems' poetic, dreamlike and fairy-tale art in our gallery!

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