
Mathpix app: Shazam for math equations

Mathpix math app

What would you give to have a Mathpix app during school! The application solves the mathematical equations for us! It's Shazam for math equations! All you have to do is bring your smartphone camera up to the handwritten equation. From here, the app does everything for you. It converts the equation into digital notation and writes out the entire mathematical process by which it arrived at the final result. Solving homework has never been so easy!

Mathematical application Mathpix, which turns manual into digital form math notes and save them too, is more than capable of replacing our brains in saving mathematical equations. Years ago, the heroes of the Big Popcorn TV series (part 12, season 4) came up with something similar, who invented these Lenwoloppali Differential Equation Scanner, with which you took a photo of the equation, and the scanner recognized which type of equation it was. Nicolas Jimenez has improved their idea considerably, because Mathpix not only recognize the equation, but also solve it.

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Big Popcorn tried to invent something similar in the 4th season.
Big Popcorn tried to invent something similar in the 4th season.

The purpose of the Mathpix application is not that we no longer have to solve mathematical equations with our own heads, but rather speed up the process of entering equations into the computer, as the input process is time-consuming due to many unusual characters. So it's easier if we write the matter on our hands, we scan with a smartphone, and the app does the rest. Mathpix it is the mathematical Shazam (an application that recognizes a song) that can handle even more difficult math tasks. Threads are not a problem for him integrals, matrices and other complex mathematical operations.

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