
4 applications that take us to a completely new world of experiences

The pursuit of efficiency is a technology fetish. If she was our partner ten years ago, today this symbiosis no longer exists, as we are becoming more and more her slaves. By losing this fight, we also lose touch with those parts of life that produce hormones whose output is not stress. Therefore, the presented applications will come in handy if you want to recover the feelings that have been swallowed up by the capitalist idea of omni-efficiency.

Advancement virtuality it creates a false sense that our life is full experiences and experiences, but if we face reality, this illusion shatters like a screen smartphone when it hits the pavement. And speaking of smartphones... They took away those rare moments when our workplace let us out of our hands. On the way home, instead greetings and smiles to passers-by we share likes and feelings that are not the result of genuine emotions, but the fabrication of those created for us in all their fullness by our ancestors.

READ MORE: TravelByDrone, a map that gives a new view of the world with a drone

Fortunately, they exist mobile applications, otherwise one of capitalism's favorite "disturbers" who are considered "rebels" of the system and are not on the side of the idea of cutting reality at the expense of efficiency. Next four so they try to kill the paralytic routine dictated by Big Brother and bring back experience our own feelings.


This one application it is a derivative of the daily routine, which is called the way to work/school/store/… . Deliberately cause to get in the way 'lose' and share the experience with others. It does this by offering you different task cards, such as searching for important architectural, urban and social points/sights, chasing a taxi, walking along the river, looking for a park bench, etc.


Happy coincidences. Oh how we love them. But you noticed how drastic they are declined, since we've been lugging around smartphones. Clearly, when what is on the screen is more important than what is happening around us. We are like Afre and Tarbule, we live the lives of others. Well, Serendipity will make sure that you are on your best, optimal or rather short ones route, which you can pass/transport tables, did something detours. You enter a starting point and the app gives you directions how and where. back off Garmin, it's time for the path to make more than just mathematical sense again.

Random GPS

Endless journeys they're not just something from fairy tales, they're also something from smartphones. They carry the title Random GPS, which is tailored GPS system or that 'mixed up' version of Garmin's girl, unscathed and constantly recalculates, when you drive along a path that you don't know yourself. Of course, Random GPS also has its 'annoying mathematician', but this route the route is chosen randomly and it also changes it from minute to minute, so that's to be expected. He also clearly follows your instructions, but where he has room to maneuver, he takes a breather. Because life is not just about getting from one point to another as quickly as possible. After all, birth is the beginning and death the destination of the journey. How are you? hurry up to the destination?


This app is intended for all who walk along a fixed route and gives you random ones for the duration of the walk tasks or instructions, such as to discover something that is hidden or very elusive to the eye. You have to paint it and photo to share with others through the application. Because by swimming your eyes away from the 'shore' that is called the routine path towards the goal, you remove the veils of the world and discover the unknown things that you had in front of the nose and in areas you were sure you knew like the back of your hand. In addition, you will focus sense of observation, which will come in especially handy when you're in unfamiliar terrain, without modern gadgets, and need to remember your waypoints to find your way back.

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