
Apple wants to prevent us from recording concerts with smartphones!

Apple will prevent concerts from being recorded

Did you hear? Apple wants to prevent us from recording concerts! He filed a patent for the technology that should make this possible already in 2011 (the patent is entitled "Systems and methods for receiving infrared data with a camera designed to detect images based on visible light"). Although this will probably anger many attendees, Apple is only following the wishes of organizers and many music and other performers who want to prevent listeners from recording concerts/performances with their smartphones.

We will Apple into the future disabled smartphone recording of concerts? While iPhone and tablet owners shake their heads, concert organizers and many musicians nod (in the clip below you can see how she stopped the listener while recording Adele, and an English actor did something similar in the middle of the show Benedict Cumberbatch).

And how would the thing work? The organizer will classify at the venue a series of IR transmitters, which will emit infrared light. The latter will be detected by the iPhone via the web camera. The information that would travel in this way could be of any type, including the command to reach the phone disable the camera and all its functions.

Will Apple prevent us from recording concerts?
Will Apple prevent us from recording concerts?

Not only live events would benefit from this kind of technology, but also cinematographers, which would prevent films from being filmed in cinemas, which then end up online.

Did such scenes during the concerts unlock the door?
Did such scenes during the concerts unlock the door?

For now, the technology (in development) is only compatible with iPhones, but where there is a will...

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