
Atif Saeed: A close encounter with a lion caught in the lens

A lion about to attack

Pakistani wildlife photographer Atif Saeed recently had a close encounter with a lion. He managed to capture the experience, which could quickly end tragically, in the lens. The sight of a lion staring at him like prey is downright terrifying. But all for a good photo. He recorded these at a zoo safari in the city of Lahore, Pakistan.

Atif Saeed while driving zoo safari wanted to take some photos of a lion in Lahore. He stepped out of the SUV, the sound of the shutter drawing attention the king of animals. In order to capture the true character of the animal, Saeed needed just such a moment, which could also end fatally. Fortunately, Saeed managed to jump back into the car in time. Well, he caught something even earlier amazing footage of a lion, who, squatting on the ground, more than obviously mistook him for prey.

READ MORE: Life with a lion

The lion saw prey in the photographer.
The lion saw prey in the photographer.

At the time, he thought the whole thing was funny, but as he says today, he doesn't know if he would a bold move hoped to repeat.

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