
Ouch, it hurts - Surrealistic photos of extreme falls

Italian photographer Sandro Giordano's latest project is anything but classic. Surrealist photographs show people's falls - but not the metaphorical ones that we all experience in life, but the literal ones: painful and funny at the same time.

Every photo of a famous Italian Sandra Giordano it tells the story of an individual who, in a moment of disorientation, lets his body take over him instead of his thoughts and lets himself fall: without any attempt or chance to catch himself. The project is entitled In extremes – bodies with no regrets, with which the photographer draws attention to the entrapment of our everyday lives, when we don't just let ourselves live because of our external appearance - and sometimes even fall in the process. Take a look at the extreme photos full of irony in our photo gallery.

READ MORE: Brothers who travel back in time through reflected photo manipulation

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