
Baumhotel Robins Nest – a charming hotel among the treetops

Hotel among the treetops Baumhaushotel Robins Nest

The Baumhotel Robins Nest is a charming hotel among the treetops located in the German state of Hessen. The architectural feat in the embrace of unspoilt nature offers visitors a unique experience and complete disconnection from the outside world (no Wi-Fi access). Together with his friends, it was built in half a year by Peter Becker, who decided to move to the forest after years of running a bar and gallery in Berlin and offer people the ultimate escape from the hectic world and genuine contact with nature.

Baumhotel Robins Nest it is a charming hotel among the canopy, which is hidden in the forests of the German federal state of Hessen. There are seven different holiday accommodations, of which three are raised off the ground and four stand on solid ground. Every hut has unique style, but all are joined together by wooden furniture, electricity and heating. Compost toilets are shared and showers are separate.

Baumhaushotel Robins Nest is tucked away in the realm of trees.
Baumhaushotel Robins Nest is tucked away in the realm of trees.

The hotel, made entirely of natural materials, is Peter Becker's personal project, which was inspired by the castle/hotel when designing the hotel Berlepsch (it lies only 150 meters away) and the story of the protector of the poor, Robin Hood.

READ MORE: A charming tree house has grown under the canopy in the City Forest of Celje

Cabins on the ground can accommodate four guests, cabins under the canopy, which are connected by a bridge, and eight people.

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