
White lies - the most common lies that are actually just plain lies

We all grew up with little white lies told to make us feel better and to believe that everything that happens in the world is for our benefit. Unfortunately, no one told us that these white lies were actually quite ordinary lies that we naively accepted as the general truth. In this article, we will introduce you to some of the most common lies of this type, which we can hear over and over again. They are not just wrong, they are completely wrong. "Don't kill the messenger!", they say.

1. Two wrongs do not make a right!

We do not know who was so passive-aggressive that he "patented" this lie. As we grow up, we realize that this does not make any sense, nor is it healthy. If you take revenge in a conflict, believe that it will only lead to more conflicts. But you won't solve the problem even by running away. The world is unfair and people will wrong you for any reason. You have to be prepared for it and also accept it.

2. Money is not everything!

Well, this one might be more complicated. If we tell you now that this is a lie, you will have the feeling that money means everything to us. Don't worry, we know there are many things that money won't buy. However, if you had zero euros in your pocket, what could you actually achieve? How long could you survive? Sure, you can be a wonderful person with a heart of gold, but even the most philanthropic leaders of our time needed money to make a difference. For this purpose, they collect funds and accept donations. Can money make you happy? It depends on the person. Can it change the world? Of course. In both negative and positive ways. It's hard to say, but money really is everything. Even if you want to do the best deed in the world.

3. If you really love someone, let them go and if they come back, they were always yours.

This is (logically) the stupidest lie in the world. If you really love someone, why would you ever let them go?
First: if you love someone or something, don't let it go and don't expect it to come back. If you truly care about someone, you won't let them go, nor do you want to.
Second: some of you will probably say, "Well, maybe they just need some space or time, and everything will be fine." Let us remind you that there is a difference between "giving someone some space" and "letting someone go".
When you let someone go, it does not mean that you will see each other every other day and your Facebook status will change to "It's complicated". Anyone who wants to leave or is willing to accept the fact that you want them to is not yours and will never be yours. If you really love someone, you better do everything in your power to keep them and if it doesn't work, move on.

4. Don't judge a book by its cover.

Then why do books have covers? No, seriously, the whole basic idea is (and we're sure you know this) that we shouldn't judge people until we really get to know them and find out what their personality is like.
Sometimes people act mean, talk mean and do mean things. And such people are evil! There is no need to read this book: it ends in burning, believe me.
We don't have enough time in life to give every individual a new chance.

READ MORE: 16 steps to help you get over rejection

5. The best is yet to come.

This can be a great way of looking at life in general, but you're going to have to face the facts here and there. Sometimes the best is yet to come and you better hurry before you miss it. If you're constantly looking for the next best thing, you're going to miss out on quite a few good things. When you're in a bad situation, it's great to have a positive outlook. However, you should also be grateful for things on the fly.

6. You don't know what you have until you lose it.

Sometimes you suddenly realize what you don't want and remove it from your life. Of course, the change may require some loneliness or shock, but that does not mean that the decision is wrong. It's usually a common phrase when making tough decisions, and people just miss things the way they used to be. Well, nothing for that; it will take some time to get used to and at some point in your life you will realize that you have survived without someone or something and will continue to do so. You knew what you had when you had it and it obviously wasn't good for you. The exception is the sudden death of a loved one.

White lies are actually quite ordinary lies that we have naively accepted as the general truth.
White lies are actually quite ordinary lies that we have naively accepted as the general truth.

7. If it's meant to be, it will happen.

How lazy are you? Nothing is meant to just happen. Except for death, unfortunately. This is the only certainty in our lives. If you want something to happen, work hard to make it happen, have a desire and a plan! Otherwise, you'll be sitting on your ass for the rest of your life wondering, "Why didn't this happen?" Don't leave yourself to fate and you will never be disappointed. If you work hard for something, you will gain knowledge and experience that people who sit around and wait for their fate will not even be able to understand.

8. Everything happens for a reason.

Sometimes things just happen. No, it wasn't a life lesson, it just happened. And no, you cannot analyze everything that happens in your life as some kind of cosmic sign that the universe is trying to tell you something.
Bad things just happen. The older you are, the more problems you have and the better you learn from them. Otherwise, you will be too disappointed, both with things and with people.

9. What other people think about me is not important.

We often hear this from people who are constantly labeled as idiots but don't want to believe it. If you are not 100% self-sufficient in all aspects of life (which is almost impossible), then what other people think of you absolutely matters. If every important person in your life thinks you're a bit of an idiot, then they'll tell others who care about you as well. And chances are, people already know this before they even meet you. And absolutely nothing will help you get over them. Sometimes it doesn't matter what people think. We think you should care. Maintain your reputation at a high level, because at some point in your life you will have to rely on other people. And when no one around you wants to do you a favor, you will realize how important it is what people think of you.

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