
Be a real beauty even without makeup!

True beauty doesn't need a ton of make-up, there is a natural attraction and charm hidden within us, which we must know how to use. All we have to do is apply some of the tricks listed below today. These are tips that will help us be beautiful even without makeup.

These are valuable tips that will help you see charming even without makeup. Become more attractive without spending a mountain of time and money on beauty products and touch-ups. How to be beautiful without makeup?

1. Correct the color of the face

Use chamomile tea to make your skin look healthier. Pour one teaspoon of chamomile tea with a glass of warm water and wait 30 minutes. Then strain the drink and let it cool down a bit. Add a teaspoon of honey and enjoy the concoction in small sips every day before breakfast. Do this for two weeks.

2. Do you want long and thicker eyelashes?

The best way to care for your eyelashes is with a homemade oil mixture. Take equal amounts of castor oil, almond oil, sesame oil, and olive oil. Also add vitamin E. Mix all ingredients together. In the evening, apply the preparation to the eyelashes and leave it overnight. Repeat the process for two weeks and you will notice the difference. Your eyelashes will become fuller and longer.

3. Get rid of brittle hair and split ends

When your hair needs immediate help, the solution is a homemade mask. Beat the yolk and half a glass of natural yogurt, add a teaspoon of castor, coconut and jojoba oil. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Apply the mixture to wet hair and leave it on for an hour. Then rinse your hair thoroughly.

4. Hand care

Do you want your hands to always be velvety soft? Every night, spread a little cream into which you mix a little vinegar. Repeat the process for one month.

5. How to get rid of freckles?

Clean your face with lemon slices three times a day. Leave the lemon juice on your skin for about ten minutes, then wash your face with lukewarm water.

Beauty is hidden within us!
Beauty is hidden within us!

6. Make your hair look smooth and shiny

Mix the peeled banana and a tablespoon of olive oil in a blender. Add two teaspoons of honey and yogurt without added additives. Mix until a smooth mixture is formed. Apply the paste to wet hair, leave for 30 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Amazing results are guaranteed.

7. Remove dead skin

Prepare an aloe lotion. You need 100 g of aloe juice, three tablespoons of boiling water and three tablespoons of alcohol. Mix everything well and rub it into the skin on the face and neck. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse. Conclude the beauty treatment with the application of a protective cream.

8. Strengthening nails

To keep your nails looking healthy and beautiful, we suggest soaking your fingers in a lemon juice bath. For best results, soak your nails in the juice for 15 minutes.

READ MORE: 4 bad habits that destroy our skin

9. Are chapped lips giving you headaches?

Mix equal parts of sour cream and carrot juice. Apply the mixture to your lips and leave it on for 7 minutes.

10. How to get sparkling white teeth?

Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a teaspoon of hydrogen and a teaspoon of water. Finally, brush your teeth thoroughly. You can whiten your teeth this way once a week.

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