
His beard changed his life: you won't believe it's the same person!

You won't believe that this is one and the same person! Gwilym Pugh is proof that a beard really does make a man sexier, but also proof of where a strong will can take you. Read his incredible story below.

If he hasn't convinced you yet our list, where we tried to prove that men with beards are simply sexier, you might be convinced by this man in question and his story.
Gwilym Pugh was a 21-year-old businessman with his own insurance company. Because he worked from home and because, among other things, he was plagued by various injuries, he gained many kilograms, 127 to be exact. But his life changed completely when his barber suggested he should grow a beard.
Among other things, he founded a folk band with his friends, and he also wanted to upgrade his new look with a changed diet and by changing the job where he was constantly sitting.

"The best thing I did for my health was to stop sitting for 10 hours a day," said Gwilym, who lost just under 41 kilograms. While he was diligently shedding pounds and growing a beard, he also created an account on Instagram. He was soon spotted by Welsh tailor Nathan Plamer, and his career only went uphill from there.
Today, Gwilym is part of the London agency AMCK Models, and he has campaigns for Vans, Bud Light, Diesel and other big names. His hard work even allowed him to become ambassador of David Beckham's House 99 brand, which is dedicated to men's care.

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