
Butterfly Dress: a futuristic dress with butterflies that fly away

Butterfly Dress

Butterfly Dress is a dress like from a Disney cartoon. The futuristic yet supremely elegant dress boasts 40 artificial butterflies that can flutter, fly away and return like a trained eagle. Behind the dress is the Turkish designer sister duo Ezra Çetin and Tuba Çetin under the brand Ezra + Tuba.

Butterfly Dress it is futuristic women's dress decorated with 40 butterflies. But they are not static or fixed, they can fly away and come back. Metal fiber suit (Lirex) is equipped with proximity sensors, who are responsible for the functioning of the butterflies, and he contributed them Intel.

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Sister Çetin but don't stop at the dress Butterfly Dress, as they want to continue plowing the fallow land in the field wearable technologies, applied to dresses. That's what they're already planning fashion creations, which will change color, collect kinetic energy, use a 3D printer to make custom cuts, and more.

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