
CES 2015: Mercedes-Benz F 015 Luxury in Motion - a self-driving concept car

We probably all secretly wish that after 2030 we will be driving cars in the air, but Mercedes-Benz sees the future a little differently. At the consumer electronics fair CES 2015, he presented his vision of the future - the concept vehicle Mercedes-Benz F 015 Luxury in Motion, an autonomously driving luxury vehicle powered by hydrogen fuel cells.

Mercedes-Benz seems to be betting on autonomous vehiclesa. According to the boss of the German giant, the F 015 Luxury in Motion ("luxury in motion") Dieter Zetsche travel space changed to mobile living space, which offers a comfortable and quality time spent while driving. The prototype is therefore also quite large- 5220 x 2018 x 1524 mm (somewhere in the range of the Mercedes S class) - and the boxy shape and 3610 mm wheelbase increase it even more.

F 015 Luxury in Motion constantly monitors its surroundings with the help of lasers, and communicates with the outside world via LED lights.
F 015 Luxury in Motion constantly monitors its surroundings with the help of lasers, and communicates with the outside world via LED lights.

A 200 kilowatts power of the electro-hybrid drive and light materials (with a "diet" of carbon fiber, aluminum and steel, the weight of the vehicle was reduced by 40%) nevertheless enable it to have an impressive acceleration (6.7 seconds from 0 to 100 km/h) with the final speed electronically limited at 200 km/h.

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Swivel seats allow for face-to-face communication when the vehicle is operated by Autopilot.
Swivel seats allow for face-to-face communication when the vehicle is operated by Autopilot.

Under a futuristic shell with interactive LED lights, which glow white when operated by the driver and blue, when the autopilot is engaged and which serve to communicate with other vehicles and pedestrians, hide four arbitrarily rotating separate seats and six large high-resolution touch, gesture and eye movement sensitive displays.

Mercedes-Benz overshadowed many technological toys at CES with its concept.
Mercedes-Benz overshadowed many technological toys at CES with its concept.

A minimalist travel space named lodge, is equipped with leather, wood and glass, and because it is a prototype without B-pillar and with doors that open path at a 90-degree angle, access to the passenger compartment is greatly facilitated. At the same time, one more special feature of the door should be added, namely its structure, which ensures maximum safety in the event of a collision, as it then inflates like an airbag and absorb energy.

Mercedes has based the F 015 Luxury in Motion on the premise that it will in 2030 over 40 megalopolises in the world and that they will be the most valued goods privacy and time.

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