
Cicret – a bracelet that turns the skin on your hand into a touch screen

The Cicret bracelet is the best example of how we will feel the progress of technology on our own skin. Literally, the Cicret, which from a distance resembles another silicone bracelet, projects the smartphone screen onto the hand and turns it into a touch screen. The system is based on the Android operating system and rubs the digital world into our skin like a cream.

Cicret is new proof that it is future already here and that the digital world can go hand in hand with the real, so that they are not mutually exclusive. A bracelet that on the outside looks like nothing more than a piece of jewelry from the market, it really is an unusual and powerful device, which enables what it enables smartphone: surfing the web, playing videos, sending messages, calling,... except through our skin, which turns into touch screen.

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The technology is based on mini projector, mobile application, eight different ones sensors and sensors and other necessary hardware, which smartphone graphical interface projects onto the arm as soon as we twist the wrist. Thus, our upper arm or forearm becomes a touch-sensitive screen that works on the same principle as on phones. But unlike these, Cicret is not afraid of water, so you can also use the phone calmly under shower.

A high-tech bracelet.
A high-tech bracelet.

And even though it's still only prototype, it seems that the stars are in his favor and he could see the light of day once more by mid-2015.

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