
Consumer Reports: Best Sunscreens of 2017

Don't believe everything you see. This could be the summary of a sunscreen survey conducted by the non-profit organization Consumer Reports. They found that the ZF numbers that we see on the packaging of sunscreens are not always a reliable measure of sun protection. So what are the best sunscreens of 2017?

ZF or protection factor is a measure of how well sunscreen protects us from the sun, from UVB rays. These are the main cause of sunburns, and they also affect the formation of skin cancer. Assuming that you use the sunscreen correctly and you are already burnt after 10 minutes in the sun, the sunscreen with ZF 30 protects for about 5 hours. But the intensity of UVB rays changes by the hour (and by location), so it is sunscreen should be applied every 2 hours.


What are the best sunscreens of 2017?
What are the best sunscreens of 2017?

For the fifth year in a row, testing at Consumer Reports showed that some sunscreens did not provide a level of protection, which was promised on the packaging. From more than 60 lotions, sprays, sticks and lip balms, 23 products tested provided less than half of the protection promised. Among other things, Consumer Reports states that it is difference even between products of the same brand. So if a lotion of a certain brand provides real protection, a spray of that brand does not.
And which ones  sunscreens 2017 recommend? Here are 5 sunscreens rated by Consumer Reports as best sunscreens 2017. If these creams are not available, then they advise that it is best to buy a sunscreen with ZF at least 40 and with a chemically active substance such as avobenzone.

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