
(de)hydrate- Henry Gargreaves turns the sugar in sugary drinks into giant lollipops

A lollipop as a visual representation of the amount of sugar in some sweet drinks

You must have already come across a photo on the Internet that visually shows the amount of sugar in the sweet drinks that we drink every day. The picture is shocking both in the field of (non)carbonated drinks, fruit juices and energy drinks, as well as in flavored waters. The photographer Henry Gargreaves added an artistic element to the psychological effect through the (de)hydrate project and placed lollipops next to the drinks instead of bags and cubes of sugar, which were created from the amount of sugar contained in each sweet drink.

Henry Gargreaves, who specializes in food photography, is in his latest project (de)hydrate campaign, which has been circulating virally on the Internet for some time and makes us aware of appalling amounts of sugar in sweet drinks, added an artistic twist. He used the sugar of individual drinks as an ingredient for making lollipops. And how did he do it? He took (for example) Coca-Cola, boiled it and waited until the water evaporated and he was left with just syrup.

Zico coconut water certainly does not only contain vitamins.
Zico coconut water certainly does not only contain vitamins.

He then poured this into a lollipop mold and created an aesthetic-creepy performance about what dose of sugar we consume when drinking the drinks that flow down our throats daily.

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You will be photographed by Henry Gargreaves turned away from continuing to enjoy it sweet drinks, which contain so much sugar or reduce intake, is nothing touching you anymore and you just wanted a lollipop instead?

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