
Dell with a Windows Latitude 12 Rugged Tablet that you can safely wipe out the window

Tablet made for war conditions Dell Latitude 12 Rugged Tablet.

But not because she was bad. Quite the opposite. The Dell Latitude 12 Rugged Tablet is an excellent tablet and the first from Dell that is also physically extremely durable. The fact that they are extremely capable is what we are used to with Dell devices anyway, and this time is no different. It is intended for everyone who works or moves in demanding environments, and it will also suit people of a more clumsy nature. The IP-65 standard guarantees it resistance to water, dust, sand, vibrations, falls, shocks and extreme temperatures.

Dell Latitude 12 Rugged Tablet it is Tablet PC, which is fast and nimble as a rabbit in terms of hardware, and tough as a tortoise on the outside. Decorate it 11.6-inch screen resolution 1366 x 768 pixels, and the processor deals with digesting the contents Intel Core M on which the operating system is installed Windows 8.1. The processor's partner in recalculating content is exceptional 8 GB of system memory, and a Solid State drive is in charge of data storage, which can offer up to 512 GB of space, while the battery allows up to 12 hours of autonomy.

The Dell Latitude 12 Rugged Tablet is one moment a tablet, and the next a laptop that also belongs in war zones.
The Dell Latitude 12 Rugged Tablet is one moment a tablet, and the next a laptop that also belongs in war zones.

Z dedicated keyboard the tablet can slide into a laptop, which almost doubles its time of independence from a power source.

READ MORE: Dell Venue 8 7000: the thinnest tablet in the world

Given that you can work with Dell's Latitude 12 Rugged Tablet like a pig with a bellows, it's not exactly cheap. It is sold across the pond for a calculated price 1830 euros, which is quite salty, but a little if you work in difficult conditions, where tablets would otherwise be exchanged like underwear. Because you are not rich enough to buy cheap, or whatever that pealed saying goes.

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