
Ten shockingly expensive works of art that even children could make

Canadian intellectual Marshall McLuhan once said: "Art is all we can hide ourselves with." While the quote cuts a bit into the community of artists, it also illuminates the undeniable truth that art is often painfully subjective. Here are ten shockingly expensive pieces of art that we think a child could make.

American artist Jeff Koons made an incredible amount of money by reproducing everyday objects and presenting them only as art. Despite the fact that many critics labeled Koons' works as "cheap" and "artificial", in November 2013 he managed to break the record for the highest price at auction for a living artist. He accomplished this with a huge shiny piece of stainless steel titled “Balloon Dog (Orange)”, which was sold for approx 58 million US dollars. And while this piece of art may be synonymous with banality, it can even be considered a complex work as soon as it is placed alongside some famous works of art that have sold for even more incredible sums of money.

READ MORE: Jarryn Dower - Discarded Objects as Canvas

In the gallery, take a look at ten works of art that, despite their simplicity, are worth millions and that you will feel like a child could have created, or we ourselves.

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