
The digital assistant Google Assistant makes it possible to talk to the web

Google Assistant

Meet Google Assistant, your new digital best friend. He knows how to answer your every question and fulfill your every request. It is the next stage in the evolution of the digital assistant, which has evolved from the Google Now digital assistant, which we have become very good friends with in recent years. Google introduced it at the I/O developer conference.

Google is on its annual developer conference I/O introduced a new digital assistant Google Assistant. This is sending the digital assistant to retirement Google Now, who has been keeping us company online for the last few years. Using the voice command "Okay, Google” can now be quickly searched answers to (random) questions, such as 'When was Tromostovje built' or 'What will the weather be like tomorrow', and we ask him tasks, such as buying tickets or booking a hotel room.

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Because the digital assistant Google Assistant enables two-way communication, Google does not display results, but answer the question directly or complete the command. It behaves like a real assistant that does things for you. But Google Assistant goes one step further, as it will adapt the answers to the additional information obtained in the continuation of the conversation.

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