
Smells: 10 dishes that can be made without a recipe #2

No recipe, no problem! We present to you the remaining 5 dishes for which almost no recipe is needed.

We have already presented the first 5 dishes, the preparation of which does not require a recipe. Now let's reveal the remaining 5, which convince with their wonderful appearance and charming taste. Mmmm, how it smells!

READ MORE: Recipe: Cookie glasses with milk

1. Almond butter

Grind your favorite nuts, add any aroma and honey. That's all we need to make it delicious almond butter.

Almond treat
Almond treat

2. Pancakes

1/3 eggs, 1/3 milk and 1/3 flour. Yes, the recipe for pancakes it's so easy it's not even a recipe anymore!

They will be even better with Nutella
They will be even better with Nutella

3. Bruschetta

Brush the crusty bread with oil and garlic, cover with tomatoes and sprinkle with rosemary. Tasty and easy bruschetta is ready 1-2-3!

Ingredients for the perfect bruschetta
Ingredients for the perfect bruschetta

4. Guacamole

Who doesn't love dip guacamole?! Ripe avocado, garlic and some lemon are enough to make the most delicious green dish in the world!

Our favorite form of avocado
Our favorite form of avocado

5. Milkshake

Who doesn't dream of what to put in a milkshake? The excellent blog is responsible for preparing the perfect one food52.

We like it with blueberries
We like it with blueberries

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