
Donna Stevens, Idiot Box: expressionless portraits of children watching television

Children in America spend more than 24 hours a week in front of television screens. Donna Stevens' photographic series, Idiot Box, seeks to draw attention to the constant presence of technology and its effects on the most receptive audience, our children. Their portraits with absent looks and inexpressive facial gestures make us question what technology is actually doing to their young minds.

There are portraits of children with expressionless faces and absent-minded looks Donna Stevens photographed in a dark room lit only by the television screen. Her photography series Idiot Box explores the darker sides of our love for technology and asks us various questions: Should we be more careful about the role of technology in our children's lives? Is our “technological paranoia” justified? No matter what technological devices we own and blame for our downfall, are our problems still only human?

READ MORE: Rare and fascinating photographs that show how different life used to be

In the gallery, see portraits of children with absent-minded looks and expressionless faces in the Idiot Box photo series.

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