
Durex: Condom emoji coming?

Durex emoji condom

Conversations about sexuality are an everyday part of young people's lives. However, adolescents do not receive much information about sexual safety. The research, made possible by the company Durex, looked at how young people talk about safe sex and the problems related to this topic.

By using in-depth qualitative interviews, with thirty people aged 16-25 from across England, the research found that formal sexual education is not enough help for young people and therefore they often turn to for information about safe sex internet. Most of the participants said that they 'learn from practice', but at the same time they emphasized the issue of having conversations about safe sex with sexual partners. While most of them talk freely about their sexual activity, most often through the phone and social networking applications, it was conversations about sexual safety significantly less.

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The idea of creating an official was presented to the interviewees Condom Emoji. The proposal was characterized as very valuable, the idea itself was welcomed by more than three quarters of young people. They would use it in their profiles in dating apps, they would use it to remind their partners about condoms/safe sex, and above all, using the symbol would make the conversation about safe sex more attractive and fun.

Durex urged people to share #CondomEmoji in support of the safe sex project. In November, more than 1 million users showed their support for the project, which they used as part of the official submission of a proposal for the creation of an official Emoji, which illustrates safe sex, to Unicode today world aids day, December 1, 2015.

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