
Dvel - Can't make up your mind? Let the app help you choose!

Application Dvel

Having trouble making decisions? Can't decide which dress suits you better? Hesitating between running and cycling? The Dvel application will help you in a fun and fast way to make decisions easier with the help of your friends.

We must take it daily many decisions. We deal with some easier, with others more difficult, which can cause us a lot of stress. Well, that's what it's about which dress would you buy?/dressed, which ice cream they chose or where they went on vacation/excursion. Want to relieve yourself? Now you don't have to be alone in this mess, because you application Dvel allows you to make daily decisions on its platform share with friends (and foreigners) that make your choice easier.

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The idea behind the Dvel app is simple. Upload two photos - one for each of the options - and wait for yours followers cast their vote and they vote from among the candidates a "winning" choice. It is currently only available to users iOS devices, and you can see how it works in practice in the attached video.

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