
Elon Musk is moving us to Mars! Will humans already be an interplanetary species in 2022?

Elon Musk is moving humans to Mars.

Once an invader, always an invader. Elon Musk, founder of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, is moving humanity to Mars! At the International Nautical Congress (IAC), the technological visionary presented his plans to colonize the red planet, which could be reached by the ITS spacecraft (SpaceX) in just 30 days. 200 thousand dollars will have to be paid for the "air ticket" to Mars. But Tusk warns. The journey is likely to be very dangerous and travelers must be prepared to die for it. The first vessel to go to Mars is said to carry the Heart of Gold, based on the fictional vessel of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy book. Will humans already be an interplanetary garden in 2022? We recommend watching the presentation video!

Elon Musk we are moving to Mars! If you ask the founder of the company Tesla Motors and SpaceX, humanity's days on Earth are numbered, so there are only two paths. The existence and extinction or colonization of other planets – Mars should be the first choice. That should be possible from 2022 onwards, when we can for 200 thousand dollars bought a ticket for Noah's Ark of the 21st century, which will take us to the red planet.

Elon Musk is building Noah's Ark for the 21st century.
Elon Musk is building Noah's Ark for the 21st century.

On Mars - in self-sufficient colonies - in accordance with Musk's vision, in the next 40 to 100 years or 20 to 50 "interstellar" drives later lived million people. At first, the journey will be long 80 days, but later on travel time cut down to just 30 days.

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SpaceX will build a new one for this purpose single stage rocket and ITS spacecraft (Interplanetary Transport System), both predominantly from carbon fiber. The rocket will have a diameter of 12 meters, 49.5 meters debt and 150 tons the heavy ITS is 17 meters, and in height they will measure just 122 meters.

Will our descendants grow up on Mars?
Will our descendants grow up on Mars?

They will be driven by a flock of already tested ones Raptor rocket engines (they work on liquid methane and liquid oxygen), namely the missile 42 and the vessel 9. When the missile and the vessel separate, the latter will temporarily into Earth's orbit, and the rocket will return to launch pad 39A in Cape Canaveral, Florida, uploaded cargo vessel with fuel, puts it into orbit near the ITS vessel, with which it will merge, "drink" all the fuel and "space tank” sent back to Earth for a new “round” (there will be a total of four to fill the tanks of the ITS vessel to the brim), and then it will go non-stop to Mars.

It will expand to obtain electricity during the trip two large wings, who will be dressed in feathers instead of solar cells with a power of 200 kW. To land on Mars, the ITS will reactivate its rocket engines and refill its tanks with methane made there. It will then return back to Earth for new ones 200 passengers. The craft is also expected to head towards Jupiter and Saturn later on. For an easier presentation, we suggest watching the presentation video.

A video presentation of how we will travel to Mars:

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