
Heart emoticon - the most used word of 2014

The most used word in 2014 is the heart emoticon. The news that the most used word on the Internet in the English-speaking world in 2014 was the heart emoticon is heartwarming.

The Global Language Monitor has published a list of the most popular words, phrases and names on the Internet. The rankings are compiled based on the actual use of words in the English-speaking world, which today represents almost 2 billion people. The most used word in 2014 on social networks, blogs and digital publications was emoticon for heart, which, according to official data, was used more than a billion times in 2014. That's a lot of love and warm affection! However, we are a little concerned that a simple heart symbol (<3) will replace the actual words. Are we going back to the cave or are we really running out of time to express our attention in the form of words and sentences? The fact that it is love after all makes things easier...

The most popular words of 2014:

  • Emoticon
  • Hashtag
  • Vape (smoking an electronic cigarette)

The most popular phrases of 2014:

  • “Hands Up, Don't Shoot” (demonstration in Ferguson, Missouri)
  • “Cosmic Inflation”
  • "Global Warming" (we care more and more about the environment)

The most popular names in 2014:

  • Ebola (a deadly virus that shook the whole world and claimed five thousand deaths to date)
  • Pope Francis
  • World War One (a conflict that historians are still trying to resolve today)

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