
FenSens – license plate frame as a parking sensor

FenSens parking sensor as license plate frame

Parking sensors make it easier to park a car, but not all drivers have this luxury, as not every car has them. Now you can think of a parking sensor no matter what car you drive, and you don't even need to visit a mechanic! Until now, the only option was to have qualified people install them in your vehicle, which often meant drilling holes in the bumper and laying wiring. With the FenSens parking sensor, this changes. You replace the old license plate frame with FenSens, download the dedicated mobile app and voilà, parking becomes much, much easier in an instant!

Are you one of those who have? problems with reverse parking, as you have no sense of how much is yours car away from the parked vehicle? Those who have in the car parking aids, have already forgotten how painful parking is if everything is left to the driver. Now there is an inexpensive solution even for vehicles that do not have parking sensors. Hallelujah!

A case of parking sensor FenSens, a parking system that you can install yourself with a screwdriver! You have to pay approx 130 euros, which is extremely small when you consider the damage you can do with awkward parking.

READ MORE: Bluetooth parking camera - 70 euros for completely carefree parking

The FenSens parking sensor will be warmly welcomed by many drivers who have parking problems.
The FenSens parking sensor will be warmly welcomed by many drivers who have parking problems.

You get a pair for that money wireless license plate frames, are also attached battery (provides five-month autonomy, but it only takes two hours to charge and is already ready for the next six months of use) and a screwdriver for assembly. In order for the sensors to work, in addition to mounting, you only need to install them dedicated mobile application, and you are no longer deprived of a parking assistant. The system is activated when you approach obstacles 3 meters, and at the same time the application with visual and audio alerts also starts working.

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