
FILMography: 17 famous film locations mixed with scenes from the here and now

Home Alone

What happens when a photographer and a film buff combine their love into one? A series of photographs that glue together identical scenes, one taken from a famous film and the other from real life. FILMography, as it is called, was signed by Christopher Moloney and is probably the closest that photography and film (the one in the camera is on its deathbed) will ever come.

Canadian Christopher Moloney he decided that his photographs they will not be just another drop in the sea of identical photos iconic locations and sights, so it's in scenes (mostly) New York, as well as Chicago, Rome and other cities, set scenes from well-known films.

Catch Me If You Can photo (scene from the movie Catch Me If You Can).
Catch Me If You Can photo (scene from the movie Catch Me If You Can).

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Placing a photo in a photo is not as simple a matter as capturing perspective surgical procedure, but Moloney pulled it off perfectly. And as they are scenes from movies, which he instilled in them, once made the rounds on movie screens, is also a series FILMography guest film festivals, such as those in Cannes and Ischia, as well as numerous galleries.

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You can find more photos from the FILMography series at philmfotos.tumblr.com.

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