
Outdoor fitness - street exercise conquers the hearts of Slovenians

Outdoor fitness in Slovenia

Anyone who regularly walks around the walking areas of cities and towns has probably already noticed that in many parks or quite a few outdoor fitness centers have sprung up in green urban areas. The concept took root in China less than twenty years ago and is already widely accepted around the world, but now this way of exercising outdoors is becoming more and more popular among Slovenians, even though we are considered a more reserved nation.

Outdoor fitness is becoming increasingly popular a center for socializing, because people combine the pleasant with the useful, where not only bodies are formed, but also friendships. The atmosphere here is much more relaxed like in fitness centers, where everything seems to be going "on the knife". In addition, during the spring, summer and autumn months, it is an excellent alternative for all those who sweat behind four walls. Many outdoor fitness facilities have everything that the "big ones" have, so they are suitable even for the most demanding or warm up, you know the set of devices does not differ from the "vehicle fleet" of the fitness center/hall and it is possible to upgrade all "corners" of the body.

Outdoor fitness can be fun for the whole family.
Outdoor fitness can be fun for the whole family.

It's a big advantage movement in the fresh air and the use of fresh air is the biggest "problem" or disadvantage of indoor fitness. Most of them are also "afraid" of the latter, as they have the idea that they are intended for those with sculpted bodies or feel too old for them. Outdoor fitness doesn't have this problem, because it doesn't exist here dress code (read: grade criteria "sculpture"), dress codes, there is not so much self-indulgence, so no one feels "inferior".

READ MORE: Women's fitness in the 1940s

Outdoor fitness has spread like mushrooms in Slovenia in recent years, which is only good.
Outdoor fitness has spread like mushrooms in Slovenia in recent years, which is only good.

Exercise equipment is fine for all generations, all are also equipped with instructions for use. Outdoor fitness is free to use, you don't need special equipment and it includes exercises with your own weight, on games, bars and with weights. Street exercise in the form of outdoor fitness is present in Ljubljana, Maribor, Domžale, Kranj, Preddvor, Bled, Šentil, Hrastnik, Celje, Murska Sobota, Koper and Izola, where people took them for their trims more than in the past. People's approval is expected, as it is increasingly difficult to afford these days a paid form of exercise, and being overloaded with work and information leads us more and more back to nature, which subconsciously calms us and there we effectively shake off the stress that accompanies us at every step. Outdoor fitness brings all of this, but at the same time we can shed a gram or two or sculpt the desired muscles.

Outdoor fitness equipment is not far behind its brothers under the roof.
Outdoor fitness equipment is not far behind its brothers under the roof.

At the same time, more and more people realize that health is the greatest value. In addition to a healthy diet, physical exercise has become the basic task of many individuals in modern society. The presence of outdoor fitness equipment can be otherwise improves the health picture in the long term inhabitants, as it encourages people to enjoy recreation. Just as opportunity works as a thief, outdoor devices encourage use. It's building social interaction and enables the elderly to fill their time with exercise and improve their quality of life. Movement in the fresh air has been proven to improve heart function and ensure a better metabolism.

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