
Flak Sack - an indestructible backpack that doubles as a mobile safe

The indestructible Flak Sack

The Flak Sack is an indestructible backpack. It is made of indestructible materials. Have you ever looked for a place where you could safely put your personal items and valuables (wallet, keys, electronic devices, jewelry...) for a certain period of time while you do something else? Flak Sack by LocTote Industrial Bag Co. it is the ideal solution when you go to a football lesson or when you travel around the world. Not only is it indestructible, it can also be chained like a bike.

Flak Sack it is indestructible backpack brands LocTote Industrial Bag Co. It is the only drawstring backpack in the world, "resistant" against theft. It boasts of being patented locking system (withstands forces of up to 450 kilograms), so you can safely lock the backpack around a pole or a fence, just like you would lock a bicycle.

But it still remains with this easy prey for thieves, you will say, because they can tear it apart. Not the Flak Sack Backpack! It is made of materials that are resistant to I am cutting, so they don't get to him alive no scissors, no knives. Nevertheless, it is soft, flexible and attractive in appearance. It's like mobile safe, but of course much much lighter and much much sexier.

READ MORE: Phoresy Pack - the perfect backpack that you design yourself

You can leave the Flak Sack backpack anywhere!
You can leave the Flak Sack backpack anywhere!

Flak Sack has a special inside waterproof pocket, and it is also coated with a special material which disables content scanning backpack with help RFID (radio frequency identification). Have you ever been looking for a place to safely store your things while you do something else? Flak Sack is the perfect solution for travelers and everyday use, as you can safely put it anywhere, so it will not be an easy target for thieves.

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