
Photos taken at just the right moment

The great art is to capture the right moment in photography. Of course, a camera that can fire a burst of shots helps, but being in the right place at the right time is not something that is planned. Yes, the internet is full of stunning photos that have undergone "plastic surgery" at the Photoshop clinic, but this is not the case for the following, which were created by accident, and yet belong to the same adjective. This was given to them by a set of unexpected circumstances.

In photography it's not all about equipment and technical know-how. You can be the best photographer in the world, with the best equipment, but you will never sign the shots you find in the gallery. A bit of luck is also needed for such. The one the right moment is elusive and we probably won't live to see it if we look for it. He seeks us, not us him. That's why it's so unique and practical unrepeatable.

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Take a look at the collection of such photos, captured at the right moment, that will make you laughed to tears.

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