
Frame – Samsung's QLED TV as an art painting

Frame - I frame a Samsung QLED TV

The design studio Fuseproject, led by renowned industrial designer Yves Béhar, has turned Samsung's QLED TV into an art painting with a frame that disappears the moment the TV is turned on.

Samsung QLED TV is already justified in itself a work of art. But the design studio Fuseproject went a step further and disguised it in the art picture with frame and named Frame. When we started hanging flat TVs on the wall, we couldn't avoid comparisons with pictures. But now we won't even be able to distinguish between them anymore.

At least not in the case of Samsung's refurbished QLED TV, which isn't just when it's not in use large black area, but an artistic painting. In the period of inactivity, it shows the artwork (i.e art mode), but only when someone is present in the room, otherwise it turns off completely. More, brightness sensor the image display adapts to the current light and the digital work responds to it exactly as it would painting on canvas.

READ MORE: Samsung QLED TV – the future of images

A special feature of the redesigned QLED TV is that it can you choose between different frames, namely white, black and wooden, many painters and the artworks were created just for this project or television. However, this is not the first collaboration between Samsung and Yves Béhar. Already in 2015, he placed the Samsung TV on special pedestal.

Gallery - TV as a work of art:

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