
Giuseppe Colarusso and his unexpected objects that are not in the right place at the right time

Artist Giuseppe Colarusso likes to play with objects. But because he does it in a more sophisticated way, sometimes for a while we don't even understand what is "not right" in the photo. See unexpected objects that are not in the right place at the right time.

Giuseppe Colarusso is an Italian artist and photographer born in Switzerland. He named the series of photographs of unexpected objects that are never in the right place at the right time "Improbability".

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He created most of them by himself, with his hands, and with some he also helped himself with the magical tool of the 21st century: Photoshop. His subjects are not just like that surrealistic, rather they maintain an everyday look, as a result of which some we find ourselves in a quandary, because it takes quite a while before we understand why the object "doesn't fit" and before a smile spreads across our face. That's right - to laugh at the objects – was also the artist's goal.

Check out Giuseppe Colarusso's unexpected items in our photo gallery!

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