
Grelka fest 2016: the end of the ski season in swimwear

Naked skiing at Grelka Fest 2016

Every year at the end of the ski season, the Grelka fest is held in the Russian winter sports center Šeregeš. It's a bathing suit skiing festival, which this year saw a record breaking number of people skiing in beachwear. Once a rich iron deposit, today it is a skiing and snowboarding paradise (it is said to boast the best snow in Russia), where winter lasts for half a year (from November to May) due to low temperatures.

In the place Sheregesh, a popular Russian winter sports center, was held recently bathing suit skiing festivalGrelka Fest 2016. A new one fell this year a record in the number of participants, as it is in bikinis, hot pants, underwear, thongs, swimming trunks and other beach clothes 500 meters almost a thousand people skied the long track (otherwise there were as many as 1488)! It's no wonder that the Siberian festival attracts over ten thousand curious people every year, who had something to see this time as well.

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And where the main danger lurks bare skiing? You probably thought about frostbite and scratches from a possible fall, but the main danger this year comes from above; these are sunburn, as the sky was cloudless and the temperature was 15 degrees Celsius.

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