Do you value your smartphone? Then you probably won't jump on the selfie bandwagon started by Seth Schneider, who posted a photo on Twitter of himself giving himself a high five. meanwhile the phone was falling. According to him, his phone fell on the floor twice before the successful attempt. If you value your phone at all, you'll probably skip the "High Five Selfie" trend.
Selfie lovers they are extremely creative. You have to be still when taking selfies like this extremely skilled. There is no room for error here, because if you don't catch the phone, you risk destroying it. What are we talking about? About the trend High Five Selfies, which testifies to the fact that human stupidity knows no bounds. But maybe producers will get rich at his expense protective cases?
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And how do you shoot selfie without hands, while clapping? Stand in front of the mirror and right before you take a selfie and give yourself a high five, put your phone down. An American student came up with an attractive selfie Seth Schneider, who posted a photo of the successful attempt on Twitter and instantly won many imitators. He didn't destroy the phone himself (he succeeded in the third attempt), but many have already reported that they at least partially damaged it. Are you willing to risk your phone for a blurry photo? Believe me, there are countless other more useful things you can do with your phone.
Gallery – High Five Selfie:
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