
Walking on the edge of the 356 meter high tower


In mid-April, the EdgeWalk, or walking along the edge, will open for the third time for adrenaline-seeking visitors. We can experience this at the top of the CN Tower in Toronto. A challenge for the brave, a horror for the less brave.

Interestingly, yes EdgeWalk it is not a death train, it has no special effects and nothing unexpected comes out of nowhere. Everything is clear and in the palm of your hand, but at the same time EdgeWalk is considered something of the most adrenaline-filled and unforgettable. If, of course, we gather the courage. But even if you don't, nobody can really blame you.

EdgeWalk is an experience that can be experienced on the tower CN Tower in Toronto, which for many years was considered to be the tallest skyscraper in the world – until he beat him Burj Khalifa. Right at the top of this tower, at the height 356 meters edge walking is happening. The visitors are strapped in and then slowly walk around and around the edge of the roof without hands, and to top it off, they lean over the edge.

The experience is considered the highest of its kind in the world. In winter and in certain weather conditions, due to storms and lightning or strong winds, the attraction is closed. It sounds logical, especially given that the tower sways a little more than a meter in strong winds. Would you dare?

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