
Holus - an interactive desktop holographic display as a campfire

Holus - when digital content comes to life

Imagine a world where dreams meet reality. This is Holus, an interactive desktop holographic display that blurs the line between the digital and real worlds by turning two-dimensional content into a three-dimensional holographic experience. It is a platform that transforms content from a computer, tablet or smartphone into 3D holograms and, unlike most modern devices, brings people together like a campfire.

Holus it is interactive desktop holographic display, which converts digital content from a computer, tablet and smartphone into 3D holograms. Put simply, whether it's games, DNA structure, a conference call or the solar system, your content comes to life and is visible from four different angles (360 degree field of view). You can also use it in ways never before available, built-in motion sensor and speaker but thanks to the fact that the content can be managed according to the principle of the Wii console.

READ MORE: The first transparent hologram display HTD-01

They are available two versions Holus. Home edition, which will meet the needs of most users, and Pro Edition' which is intended for developers. You get both on Kickstarter, the first for converted ones 750 euros, and the other for 840 euros. You can use it as entertainment or as business or development tool. Unlike other modern, especially wearable devices, this one will bring people together and not isolate them. Holus wants to become a "campfire", i.e. something that brings people together.

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