
Lose weight with running - how to lose weight with running

Losing weight with running

Many people resort to running in order to lose weight. Many people also quickly give up, because the result is not visible overnight. The fact is that in the first weeks we do not lose weight, but less visible changes occur. Only after a while do we start burning fat while running. It is not for nothing that they say that slowness goes a long way. Find out how to lose kilos with running below.

Run has become in recent years extremely popular. He practically identified with it every other Slovenian. You need little equipment for it, you can run practically anywhere, it reduces the possibility of certain diseases, depression and obesity. No wonder crowds swear by it.

Running is a great way to lose weight.
Running is a great way to lose weight.

Many people choose running for weight loss. Losing weight with running is definitely one of the most effective ways to lose body fat, shape your body and gain muscle mass. Follow the instructions below for maximum effect. Start slow, twice a week. Slow running will burn more fat. Many take up the matter too ambitious and they give up even before the first results start to show. When the body is more accustomed to running, gradually increase the pace to an anaerobic state. Then start running again intervals (10 x 10 seconds of sprint followed by 30 seconds of walking).

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For permanent weight loss, it only works a combination of proper exercise and proper nutrition. Before you start running, drink black coffee, because caffeine proven to speed up metabolism. Drink enough water during the run to keep the body hydrated (drink sports drinks only in case of intense exercise). Adjust your meals to your running schedule. If it is your choice morning run, then breakfast should be your most abundant meal of the day. More running guidelines in the infographic below. If you want to be fit until summer, start running today.

Tips for running.
Tips for running.

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