
Instagram Hyperlapse (APP): an application for professional time-lapse recordings

Instagram has launched a standalone app, Hyperlapse, that lets users "lick" their videos to make them look like a camera with a stabilizer was at work, rather than a smartphone. The app is stripped of most editing and editing tools, as well as all filters, and you can walk out of the 'ironing room' with such a professionally 'smoothed' frame that you will trick even the hawk's eye.

Before we plant the shovel in Instagram Hyperlapse, let's clear up what I'm eating hyperlapse it is. It is a technology that saves the path taken by the camera when capturing video, and a special algorithm ensures that a large number of images are merged into one video tape, so that it then works as if it was not recorded by human hands. In a few words it means 'post-festum' stabilizer pictures or recordings.

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Instagram's Hyperlapse is a force to be reckoned with application because he only expects from you video tape. Then you can play with speed selection with which you want the video to run. If you want it to 'trimčka', i.e. to flow with 1X speed, the application uses the already domesticated Instagram stabilization algorithm and the end result will be an incredibly smooth shot (as smooth as Diego Simeone's hair), which the stabilization system would also sign off on with peace of mind Steadicam. But why go to the expense when you have Hyperlapse? If you want the recording to run 'sprint', e.g. with 12X at the speed of the original, it will be 'already seen', i.e. traditional time-lapse video. These are collected under the label Camera Roll and you can share them with your friends on Facebook or Instagram, but an account on any of these networks is not a requirement to use this application.

App developers: Chris Connolly, Thomas Dimson and Alex Karpenko.
App developers: Chris Connolly, Thomas Dimson and Alex Karpenko.

And yes, it is Hyperlapse separated from Instagram, although it falls under its umbrella. But rather than trying to force the application into an already existing one with a 'shoe-spoon', they preferred to develop their own, and they did the right thing. Not to mix pears and apples. And speaking of apples... The application is currently only available for systems iOS, but you can get it in the online store iTunes.

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