
Instagram: When guys imitate typical girl poses

#tbt I Woke Up Like This

A certain type of photo is reserved for women only. "Duckface" is a great example, or a flirtatious pose next to a car. If the latter has been with us for a long time, "duck beaks" are the cry of the selfie era. And Instagram and other social networks are full of many such examples of photos dominated by girls. Why? Check it out in the gallery and it will be clear to you right away.

It is already the case that some roles, or in our case poses, are not for everyone. Why this is so is partly physical and largely cultural. We have already mentioned two examples, but we focus on Instagram hides much more.

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They prove that gender does "limit" us, but while most of us are deeply rooted sexual stereotypes already removed, it has just sprouted well. Namely, when such photos recreated by men, the matter does not turn out to be cute, but funny, as if making fun. But that is not our intention. Certain things just don't (yet) go together.

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