
Instagram is flooded with a new trend: Hot men reading #hotdudesreading

The new Instagram trend is #hotdudesreading

A new trend - attractive men who read - has flooded the popular social network Instagram. Join the #hotdudesreading club of men who prove that they are even more attractive with a book in hand.

A popular social network Instagram has flooded a new trend - attractive men who read - which was skewed by the owner of the Instagram profile @hotdudesreading, convinced that men with a book in hand look even more attractive than otherwise. On his profile, he publishes mysterious "intellectuals" who read books and magazines on the subways of New York. He avoids Kindles (#nokindles), as he swears by the "real thing". For once, with just 15 photos, he already has 188,000 followers, and the number is increasing every day.

By viewing the gallery, let's make sure that men who read are even more attractive than usual.

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