
Instagram: This is the most stylish pit bull in the world

Most pet owners are tempted to dress up their animal friends in cute outfits. But that's not the case for the couple who turned their pit bull into a style icon via Instagram.

Evelyn Ramirez and Juan Manuel are theirs a five-year-old pit bull, Chango Leona, dressed in the most lively and fashionable things, including a white shirt, leather jacket and printed sweaters. That's not all, Changa Leon can also be seen with various accessories: hats, caps, Buddy Holly style glasses and hipster sunglasses. The pit bull was rescued by the couple from a shelter and since then the dog has become an internet sensation with more than 15,600 followers on Instagram. The owners said that Chango Leon never gets tired of dressing up. He actually sits and lets you do anything with him as long as you pat his belly and offer him a treat.

You can follow Chang at @changothehandsomepittie,

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